Friday, July 15, 2022

Minimizing a convex quadratic with equality constraints

In our last few posts we tackled the question of finding a global minimum for a function $f(x)=c^Tx+\frac{1}{2} x^TCx.$ The heart of the algorithm was finding an orthonormal basis for $\mathbb R^n$ with respect to the inner product $\langle x,y\rangle =x^TCy$.

Now suppose we have a set of equality constraints $Ax=b$. This defines an affine subspace of $\mathbb R^n$ and if we can find an orthonormal basis of the same plane translated to the origin $Ax=0$, then we can just use the same algorithm as before.

There is a neat trick for doing this. First, assume that the rows of $A$ $a_1\ldots,a_m$ are linearly independent. (We will remove that restriction later.) Now add extra rows to $A$ so that its rows form a basis of $\mathbb R^n$, to get a matrix we call $D$. 

Claim: The $m+1,\ldots, n$ columns of $D^{-1}$ form a basis for the subspace $Ax=0$.


Suppose $Ax=0$. Then $Dx=(0,\ldots,0,*,\ldots,*)^T$ is $0$ in the first $m$ coordinates. Applying $D^{-1}$ to both sides, we have $x=D^{-1}(0,\ldots,0,*,\ldots,*)^T$, which is in the column space of $D^{-1}$ spanned by the last $n-m$ columns. $\Box$

We proceed by doing Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to the last $n-m$ columns. So to begin, normalize the $m+1$st column and subtract off projections of this column from all other columns, including the initial $m$. These column operations correspond to similar row operations on $D$, so that we are adding a multiple of the $m+1$st row of $D$ to the vectors spanning the subspace $Ax=b$ (see below for a simple explanation of this phenomenon). Thus by the above claim, the last $n-m-1$ vectors of the new $D^{-1}$ are orthogonal to the subspace spanned by the first $m+1$ columns.

 Repeating this process with the remaining columns as we move to the right, we get a collection of orthonormal vectors spanning our subspace.

 Thus we can use the algorithm developed in the unconstrained case with very little modification, but with a little more work needed in the initialization. 

  • First, you need to be able to identify a point $x_0$ satisfying the constraints: $Ax_0=b$.
  • Second, you need to add rows to $A$ to get an invertible matrix $D$, and start the algorithm off with $GS=D^{-1}$ rather than just the identity.
  • Also as a note, you have to make sure to apply the matrix update rules to the first $m$ columns at each step, not just the columns to the right of the currently active one.

 I hope to write this out as a detailed algorithm in my next post, but for now, let us return to the question of how row/column operations affect the inverse.

Lemma: An elementary row operation on a matrix $M$ corresponds to an elementary column operation on $M^{-1}$.

Proof: An elementary row operation is realized by multiplying by an elementary matrix on the left $EM$. Taking the inverse we have $M^{-1}E^{-1}$. The inverse of an elementary matrix is an elementary matrix, and right multiplication is an elementary column operation. $\Box$

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