[Note: I am using Linear Programming by Daniel Solow as a reference for this and future posts. This is an economical Dover Book which I highly recommend!]
Our goal in this post is to describe an algorithm for solving a particular type of linear program, one which is an optimization problem of the following form:
- Minimize $f(x)=c\cdot x$
- Subject to
- $Ax=b$
- $x\geq 0$
Let's just take a step back and think about this problem for a second. $Ax=b$ is some affine subspace of $\mathbb R^n$, and we are considering its intersection with the positive orthant. This gives us some higher dimensional polytope, and we are trying to identify the point that minimizes $f$. Since $f$ is a linear function, such a point, if it exists, will have to be one of the vertices of this polytope. Unfortunately, a polytope can have exponentially many vertices in the number of constraints, so any method that seeks to enumerate all vertices first is going to be very slow.
I am going to outline a method, due to Dantzig, called the simplex method. There are two ingredients of this method that make it work:
- There is a simple test to check if a point is optimal. So if you happen to land on an optimal point, you can easily check if you are done.
- If you are not on an optimal point, you can find a direction where $f$ decreases, and walk along an edge of the polytope to find a new point.
- there is a nonsingular $m\times m$ submatrix of $A$ formed by choosing $m$ columns, denoted by $B$, and the remaining columns are denoted by $N$ such that
- $x_B=B^{-1}b$
- $x_B\geq 0$, and
- $x_N=0$
Here $x_B$ and $x_N$ are the projections of $x$ onto the subspace spanned by the $B$ and $N$ columns of $A$ respectively.
Again, a bfs is generically nothing more than a vertex of the solution polytope in the first orthant. If $Ax=b$ is not generic, one could first row reduce the system and throw out the $0$ rows. There are other options available as well to create a system with an initial bfs.
Let us return now to the two ingredients I mentioned above, a test for optimality, and a method to determine a direction to walk if the current point is not optimal.
Test for optimality: Consider the linear program to minimize $f(x)=c\cdot x$ subject to $Ax=b, x\geq 0$. Let $x^*$ be a bfs with $(x_B,x_N)=(B^{-1}b,0)\geq 0$. If $$c_N-c_BB^{-1}N\geq0$$ then $x^*$ is optimal for this LP.
Let $x=(x_B,x_N)$ be some other feasible solution. We want to show $c\cdot x\geq c\cdot x^*$.
$$ c\cdot(x-x^*) = c_B(x_B-x_B^*)+c_N(x_N-x_N^*) $$
Here we use that $x$ is feasible, so $Ax=Bx_B+Nx_N=b$, and solving for $x_B$, we get $x_B=B^{-1}(b-Nx_N)$.
So to reiterate, for any feasible solution $x$, and any bfs $x^*$, we have the equation
By hypothesis, $(c_N-c_BB^{-1}N)\geq 0$, and by feasibility $x_N\geq 0$. So if $x^*$ passes the optimality test, then $c\cdot x\geq c\cdot x^*$ for any feasible solution. Hence it really is optimal. $\Box$
Now, what about the converse? Can we show that if a feasible solution is optimal, then it is a basic feasible solution satisfying the optimality test? This is a good question which we will return to later. To get some intuition, let's do an example.
Example: Minimize $x+2y+3z,$ subject to $x+y+z=1$ and $x,y,z\geq0$.
There are $3$ basic feasible solutions. $(1,0,0)$, $(0,1,0)$ and $(0,0,1)$. In each case $B$ is the $1\times 1$ matrix with a $1$ in it. So $B=B^{-1}=(1)$, while $N=(1,1)$. For the first basic feasible solution we have $c_N=(2,3)$ and $c_B=(1)$. So we get
$$c_N-c_BB^{-1}N=(2,3)-(1)*1*(1,1)=(1,2)\geq 0.$$
So indeed $y=z=0$ gives an optimal solution. It is interesting to note that this works even in the degenerate case when we consider $x=y=z=0$.
This seems like a good place to stop for this post. In the next post, we'll look at how to find an improved bfs if your existing bfs fails the test for optimality.
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