Let us summarize our progress so far.
- $x=(x_B,x_N)=(B^{-1}b,0)$ is a basic feasible solution to $Ax=b, x\geq 0$,
- $j^*$ is an index such that $d:=(c_N-c_BB^{-1}N)_{j^*}<0$ and
- $t^*=\min\{-x_i/d_i\,|\, 1\leq i\leq n\text{ and } d_i<0\}$. Let $k^*$ be a choice of index where this minimum is realized.
Then we have concluded that $x+t^*d$ is a feasible solution. In this post we want to show that it is a bfs, and how to calculate the new index sets.
One thing to note: if $t^*=0$ then we aren't actually moving to a different point, but we are moving to a different bfs representation of that same point. In this case the objective function doesn't strictly decrease, which means that if we repeat the basic steps in our algorithm, we might cycle back to the same point. Apparently cycling is quite rare in practice, though one can also preclude its happening through the right choice of pivoting rule - i.e. which $j^*$ and $k^*$ to pick! (One such choice is Bland's Rule.)
Theorem: With the hypotheses above, $x+t^*d$ is a bfs $(x_{B'},x_N')$ where $B'$ is formed by replacing column $k^*$ of $B$ with column $j^*$ of $N$.
Proof: By construction, we zeroed out the $x_{k^*}$ variable, so $x_{N'}=0$. If we can show $B'$ is invertible, then automatically $x_{B'}=(B')^{-1}b$ and we are done. To see that $B'$ is invertible, we claim that $B'=BE$ where $E$ is formed by replacing column $k^*$ of the $m\times m$ identity matrix with $-d_B$.
If $k\neq k*$, $(BE)_{\cdot k}=BE_{\cdot k}=BI_{\cdot k}= B_{\cdot k}$.
On the other hand $(BE)_{\cdot k^*}=BE_{\cdot k^*}=B(-d_B)=B(B^{-1}N_{\cdot j^*})=N_{\cdot j^*}.$ By definition the column vector $N_{\cdot j^*}$ is equal to $B'_{\cdot k^*}$.
Finally we need to show that $E$ is nonsingular. This follows because $(d_B)_{k^*}\neq 0$. So one can use row operations to clear out the rest of the $k^*$ column to get a diagonal matrix with $1$'s on the diagonal, except for an occurrence of $(d_B)_{k^*}$. $\Box$
This operation of updating $B$ to $B'$ is called pivoting.
Now we have all the ingredients for the basic simplex algorithm to minimize an objective function $c\cdot x$ subject to the constraints $Ax=b$ and $x\geq 0$.
- Start with an initial bfs $x=(x_B,x_N)=(B^{-1}b,0)\geq 0$.
- Compute $c_N-c_BB^{-1}N$.
- If $c_N-c_BB^{-1}N\geq 0$, $x$ is optimal. Terminate program.
- Otherwise, select $1\leq j^*\leq n-m$ such that $(c_N-c_BB^{-1}N)_j<0.$
- Compute $d_B=-B^{-1}N_{\cdot j^*}.$
- If $d_B\geq 0$, the LP is unbounded. Terminate program.
- Otherwise, select $1\leq k^*\leq m$ so that $-x_{k^*}/d_{k^*} = \min\{-x_i/d_i\,|\, 1\leq i\leq n\text{ and } d_i<0\}$.
- Create a new bfs by replacing the $k^*$ column of $B$ with the $j^*$ column of $N$.
- Go to step 2.
This is all very well, but how do we find that initial bfs? How do we even determine if there is a feasible solution at all? That was actually my primary motivation for looking into this. How can we find a solution to $Ax=b$ such that $x\geq 0$? Let's not even worry about the objective function!
In the next post, I want to introduce what is called the phase I program. This is a linear program formed from the original, which has the property that it has an obvious bfs, and such that the solution can tell us if the initial problem was feasible. In fact, I plan to explore two different constructions. One is given in the book Linear Programming by Daniel Solow. The other is from the book Quadratic Programming with Computer Programs by Michael J. Best. Solow's phase I algorithm looks pretty standard from the various sources I have looked at. Best's algorithm appears to me much more efficient, requiring only one additional variable, and if it works, it seems to be a major improvement. I am a bit skeptical, but hopefully we can sort it out in subsequent posts.
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