In my previous few posts I discussed solving the LP
- Minimize $c\cdot x$
- Subject to
- $Ax=b$ and
- $x\geq 0.$
Here $A$ is an $m\times n$ matrix, while $c$ and $x$ are $n$-vectors.
We went through the basic simplex algorithm, but it required an initial basic feasible solution to get started. In this post I want to discuss two algorithms for finding a feasible solution.
We begin with what appears to be the standard Phase 1 LP, taken from Solow's textbook.
Phase 1 LP (standard)
Introduce new variables $y=(y_1,\ldots,y_n)$.
- Minimize $\sum_{i=1}^n y_i=(1,\ldots,1)\cdot y $
- subject to
- $Ax+Iy=b$
- $x,y\geq 0$
- Initial bfs: $B=I$ is formed from the last $m$ columns of the coefficient matrix $[A \, I]$.
Theorem: Let $(x^*,y^*)$ be an optimal solution to the phase 1 LP. Then the original LP is feasible iff $y^*=0$. In that case, $x^*$ is a solution.
Clearly if $y^*=0$, then $b=Ax^*+Iy^*=Ax^*$, so $x^*$ is feasible for the original LP. Moreover, $x^*\geq 0$ since $(x^*,y^*)$ is feasible for the phase 1 LP.
Now suppose that the original LP is feasible with solution $x^*$. Then $(x^*,0)$ is feasible for the phase 1 LP. Moreover the objective function $f(x,y)=\sum y_i$ is zero on this solution. Moreover $f(x,y)>0$ if $y\neq 0$, so that means any optimal solution must have $y^*=0$. $\Box$
This gives us a very pretty solution to the question of when the feasible region is nonempty, but if we are to use it to continue with the simplex algorithm, we still need to have a bfs for the original LP, not just a solution. We will return to this question later when we talk about auxilliary LPs. For now, let us look at another Phase 1 LP from Best's book on Quadratic Programming.
The set up for this algorithm is slightly more general. We are looking at a region expressed by the constraints
- $a_i^Tx\leq b_i$ for $i=1,\ldots, m$
- $a_i^Tx = b_i\geq 0$ for $i=m+1,\ldots,m+r$
The question is whether the region carved out by these constraints is nonempty.
Phase 1 LP (Best's Algorithm)
Let $d=-\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}a_i$, and introduce a single additional variable $\alpha$.
- Minimize $d\cdot x+\alpha$.
- Subject to:
- $a_i^Tx-\alpha \leq b_i$ for $i=1,\ldots m$
- $a_i^Tx \leq b_i$ for $i=m+1,\ldots,m+r$
- $-\alpha\leq 0$
Best says that taking $x=0$ and $\alpha$ sufficiently large is a feasible solution to the phase I LP, which is true, but he does not say that it is a basic feasible solution. Indeed, this is an inequality constrained LP, so the discussion from our previous posts does not apply. In his book, Best develops an algorithm for optimizing a quadratic objective function subject to both equality and inequality constraints, which he specializes to the case of an linear objective function. I will have to dig into that algorithm more to see what initial data is required. Perhaps simply a feasible solution is enough.
Leaving these concerns aside, let us check to see if Best's algorithm really does determine if the original LP is feasible.
Proposition: Best's Phase 1 LP is bounded from below. Hence an optimal solution exists.
The objective function
$$d\cdot x+\alpha=\alpha-\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}a_i\geq \alpha -\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}b_i\geq-\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}b_i.$$
Theorem: Let $(x^*,\alpha^*)$ be an optimal solution to Best's Phase 1 LP. Then the initial LP is feasible iff $\alpha^*=0$.
Proof: We start with the lower bound on the objective function
$$d\cdot x^*+\alpha^*\geq -\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}b_i.$$
If the initial LP were feasible with solution $x^*$, then $(x^*,0)$ would make the above inequality an equality. Hence if $d\cdot x^*+\alpha^*> -\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}b_i$, the initial LP is not feasible. If on the other hand $d\cdot x^*+\alpha^*= -\sum_{i=m+1}^{m+r}b_i$, then $\alpha=0$ and the inequalities $A_ix\leq b$ for $i=m+1,\ldots,m+r$ must actually be equalities, implying $x^*$ is a feasible solution to the original LP. $\Box$
So it looks like Best's Phase 1 algorithm checks out, and is actually quite clever.
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